Meet Our Educators

Director of Early Childhood Education – Risa Walter
Risa comes to this position with a wealth of experience and knowledge, having been a Jewish Early Childhood educator in the classroom and as a Director for over 30 years. “Jewish early childhood education is all about building the connections from children to family and to values, tradition and community. The early childhood years are the most formative – they are the foundations for a lifetime of living and learning Jewishly. I am so happy and honored to be part of the Alefbet Preschool and the Beth Shalom family!”
Risa is responsible for moving the mission and philosophy of the school forward. She is overseeing curriculum and professional development for teachers, providing enriching experiences for parents and addressing any issues that arise in the classroom involving children and teachers. Risa meets with the teaching teams regularly and observes teachers in the classroom in order to best meet the needs of the parents and children. You can reach Risa at 770-399-7622 ext. 105 or by email.